
We want to build relationships that are the next most important in people's lives after their families, between employees, between staff and customers, and between everyone we interact with.

Based on the spirit of freedom and innovation symbolized by our name "Stripe," we freely take on challenges in new areas and are always working to create new value.

We have set out the following corporate philosophy so that all of our employees can work together based on the same shared values.

Corporate Philosophy

Second Family

We want to be like a "second family," based on trusting relationships that are the next most important in people's lives after their families, closer than mere working relationships.

We want to keep on expanding relationships like that, between employees, affiliated companies and our customers.

Business Domain

Lifestyle and technology

From the apparel sector, we are expanding our business into the lifestyle domain (clothing, food and the home). We continue to actively invest in the future too, focusing particularly on IT.

Business Policy


We continue to come up with and implement new ideas with the aim of uplifting our customers' spirits.


We continue to operate our business with the aim of uplifting the spirits all those involved, both inside and outside the company.


We continue to devise and carry out activities with the aim of contributing to society and a brighter future.